Monetize Your Blog | Adaleta Avdic

Friday, June 24, 2016

Monetize Your Blog

Monetize Your Blog, sponsored posts, how to find sponsored blog opportunities, sponsored blog posts, sponsorships, how to make money as a blogger, blog monetization, make money blogging, how to make money blogging, blog money, blogging money, monetizing your blog, Pollinate Media, Revfluence, Linqia, Influence Central, Influencer Her, MuseFind Izea, Tap Influence, Acorn Influence, The Shelf, Shopping Links, Collectively, Mode Media,  SocialStars, Crowdtap, Social Fabric, Activate, Stylehaul

After my last blogging advice post in how to start your own blog, I wanted to follow strong with something ALL of us want to discuss. Monetizing your blog. It is funny how many people out there have no idea how blogging can be a full time job. My boyfriend's mom always asks me who pays me and where the checks come from, and it is definitely a salary comprised of dipping into multiple buckets. Want to know how to turn the blogging from more than a hobby, into a side business? Or better yet, enough income to do it full time? That's why I want to share the details of how bloggers make money; this way you'll understand a little bit more about how the magic happens.

Affiliate Links

Many fashion bloggers use services like Rewardstyle or Shopstyle in order to monetize all of their clothing, beauty and other purchases. RewardStyle (the company I'm affiliated with) essentially allows consumers to sign up for their product called Like to Know It at no cost. I, as a blogger, have the capability to link all the items displays in my photos. Should you as a consumer decide to purchase anything from the links I provide (or the Instagram photos you've liked) I make a certain commission depending on the retailer. Nordstroms has a huge commission, whereas Sephora may have significantly less so the strategy for bloggers is to review the commission rates and ensure they link up the best deals for consumers while also ensuring it's the best commission rate they can get from a popular retailer.

Some people sign up for affiliations such as Skimlinks or Linkshare which provide affiliate links for a large variety of brands. However there are even some brands will have their own affiliate programs too. Sigma Beauty, Luxie Beauty and Wristology are three brands that come to mind that give bloggers a discount code to share with their supporters. Every time someone uses that discount code, the bloggers makes a certain amount of money. Those discount codes are usually a sweeter offer than a small % of sales via a larger network like Linkshare, because in that instance the brand can pay you more because it's their affiliate program and it's not going through the large network. 

If there's a product you love already, it's a good idea to see if there's an affiliate code so you can make some extra dollars when you do share your love for the product. I would not advise recommending a product just because of a sweet affiliate deal. Let's say the code 'adaatude' could get me $50 per watch sold. While that's fine and dandy, the quality of the product is reflective of me and my taste and I would never compromise the trust my readers and supporters have invested in me, just for money.  

Monetize Your Blog, sponsored posts, how to find sponsored blog opportunities, sponsored blog posts, sponsorships, how to make money as a blogger, blog monetization, make money blogging, how to make money blogging, blog money, blogging money, monetizing your blog, Pollinate Media, Revfluence, Linqia, Influence Central, Influencer Her, MuseFind Izea, Tap Influence, Acorn Influence, The Shelf, Shopping Links, Collectively, Mode Media,  SocialStars, Crowdtap, Social Fabric, Activate, Stylehaul
Sponsored Posts

In my opinion, this is where the big bucks are made. Different marketing companies and brands choose to engage with specific bloggers, based on the bloggers' reach, audience and niche. Several lovely blogger ladies helped compile this list together , and I want to provide as much benefit for you in the hopes hope you are able to find more opportunities.

Some of the companies I personally work with regularly in regards to brand opportunities include: 
Mode Media 
 Social Fabric 

Others that have been suggested by other lovely bloggers include:
Pollinate Media
Influence Central
Influencer Her
Tap Influence
Acorn Influence
The Shelf
Shopping Links
Monetize Your Blog, sponsored posts, how to find sponsored blog opportunities, sponsored blog posts, sponsorships, how to make money as a blogger, blog monetization, make money blogging, how to make money blogging, blog money, blogging money, monetizing your blog, Pollinate Media, Revfluence, Linqia, Influence Central,Influencer Her, MuseFindIzea, Tap Influence, Acorn Influence, The Shelf, Shopping Links, Collectively, Mode Media, SocialStars, Crowdtap, Social Fabric, Activate, Stylehaul

Sell your own Products

Many times once bloggers have a loyal and vast following, they will be approached with opportunities to collaborate on products. Jaclyn Hill has collaborated with Becca Cosmetics twice in the past year on create Champagne Pop, a gorgeous highlighter. Recently a lot of new beauty products have been released, in collaboration with different influencers. It's a really exciting time because products are being formed by the people who are truly doing their art day in and day out. Desi Perkins recently collaborated with Quay Australia, a sunglass brand, to come out with her own sunnies. What's neat about these collaborations is that they're typically done because the influencer has a love for something and it's an organic partnership. Jaclyn loved highlighter, so Becca wanted to collab on one that would fit most skin tones. Desi loves Quay sunnies so they decided to collab with her to make her own line.

Also, I've noticed so many more Etsy shops being started. Sell your own thangs! If you like making mugs with cool quotes on them,  do just that. If you like to design pens, shirts, whatever it may be, I highly recommend doing it. The time is now.

Monetize Your Blog, sponsored posts, how to find sponsored blog opportunities, sponsored blog posts, sponsorships, how to make money as a blogger, blog monetization, make money blogging, how to make money blogging, blog money, blogging money, monetizing your blog, Pollinate Media, Revfluence, Linqia, Influence Central, Influencer Her, MuseFind Izea, Tap Influence, Acorn Influence, The Shelf, Shopping Links, Collectively, Mode Media,  SocialStars, Crowdtap, Social Fabric, Activate, Stylehaul
Banner Ads

One great way to make consistent money is to incorporate banner ads. Mode Media has a monthly program that pays a set free for display of the ad. Additionally, some banner ads give you a certain commission should someone click on the banner ad AND complete a transaction. Other banner ads give you a few pennies for clicks. Imagine 10,000+ views a month and perhaps 5% of those clicks turn into some kind of transaction, you'd be making a few bucks.

While I am waning away from selling side column placements, many bloggers sell advertising space on their blog. The idea of ad is quite vast and it could be an ad placement in a blog post, ads in the side column, social media mentions as ads,  and the list goes on and on. 
Monetize Your Blog, sponsored posts, how to find sponsored blog opportunities, sponsored blog posts, sponsorships, how to make money as a blogger, blog monetization, make money blogging, how to make money blogging, blog money, blogging money, monetizing your blog, Pollinate Media, Revfluence, Linqia, Influence Central, Influencer Her, MuseFind Izea, Tap Influence, Acorn Influence, The Shelf, Shopping Links, Collectively, Mode Media,  SocialStars, Crowdtap, Social Fabric, Activate, Stylehaul

You've heard some of your favorite bloggers say they're taking over so and sos social accounts, right? Over the past few months, takeovers have become quite popular. The essence is that a blogger will takeover a brand's Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc. Since creating fresh interesting content for yet another social network is hard work, these takeovers are paid opportunities in some instances.


As you know, a celebrity sighting at an event is a big deal especially to the media.  They typically don't show up for free as their time is valuable and it needs to be worth their while. Nowadays bloggers are also getting paid for their appearance at different events.

Monetize Your Blog, sponsored posts, how to find sponsored blog opportunities, sponsored blog posts, sponsorships, how to make money as a blogger, blog monetization, make money blogging, how to make money blogging, blog money, blogging money, monetizing your blog, Pollinate Media, Revfluence, Linqia, Influence Central,

What tips do you have for monetizing a blog? Let us know in the comments below!
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