How to Manage a Busy Life | Adaleta Avdic

Monday, October 10, 2016

How to Manage a Busy Life

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In this day and age, we are all so busy

It doesn't matter what kind of busy, or what we're busy with, but we all have a lot going on. Most of us are working full time, have a side gig, a family, a relationship, families. Not to mention social lives, so it's so incredibly difficult to get things done in a timely manner. I am definitely one of those people who is far too busy for my own good, and I'm usually trying to do 2836274637 things at once, and barely have time to see family or friends unless it is directly related to my blog or a project I must complete. It's almost like all I have time to do these days is work. Is it for work? Or is it for the blog? Or the gram? If it's not for any of those, then I should probably stay home and work.
Square Cash, money sharing app, Square Cash app, Square Cash money sharing app, Square Cash money app, sharing money via app, money sharing app competition, how to transfer money online, online transfer, online money transfer, life advice, busy, how to stay busy, how to maintain the busy life style

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Square Cash and Her Campus Media. As always, all opinions and thoughts are honest and my own.

In order for me to find time to do the things I love (like take a bath or do a face mask) I have some guidelines that help me make it happen. Here's how I manage a busy life:
1. Schedule it. This helps tremendously. If I schedule it and make an invite on my own personal calendar OR put it in my phone (with an alarm to remind me) it is much more likely to get my butt moving, because I'll want to mark it complete. The workaholic in me has to be ticking boxes and checking things on a list in order to get things done, so I do that. 6 PM "TAKE A BATH!!!!" gets me moving swiftly up the stairs to get the bath going.

2. Prep for it. Sometimes even when I schedule something, I feel that overwhelming sense of "I don't want to do this" because I have to do everything at the scheduled time. That's why I try to ease myself into certain projects or tasks, by starting a bit of it earlier in the week or the day. If I know I'm going to have to clean out my closet, I slowly start taking clothes out a few days before. That way some of the task is done, and I don't have to start from scratch. It's just tricking the mind a bit to believe there isn't AS MUCH work to be done. Helps me ;)

3. Prioritize. Often times when I have things to do for my daytime job, my blog, my channel, social media, social life, etc. I prioritize what needs to be done first. If I have a blog post due the next day, I'll work on that over the weekend rather than do an unnecessary photo shoot for the blog. Deadlines are always the priority, but that helps me figure out what I absolutely need to do now, versus what can wait a day or two. 

4. Take a breath. Sometimes it all can get a bit overwhelming, enough to make a person anxious and frustrated. However, take a breath. Something I tell people often is that being busy is typically a good thing, a sign of good business if you will. If the phone is ringing with opportunity, that means you're doing a great job. Keep your head up and move forward!

Square Cash, money sharing app, Square Cash app, Square Cash money sharing app, Square Cash money app, sharing money via app, money sharing app competition, how to transfer money online, online transfer, online money transfer, life advice, busy, how to stay busy, how to maintain the busy life style

Because I'm so busy, I barely have time to deal with real life things like bills and paying people back. I never carry cash with me, because that would require me going to the bank. A chore I can't be bothered with. Therefore I like the idea of sending money via online accounts. While many banks may have this service (I've tried many of them), I've been reviewing Square Cash, a money sharing app.

5. Make your life easier when it comes to money sharing.

We all need to pay for items and share money from time to time. Why not make it so much easier to do so? If you're using the app for personal use (sending to family and friends), it's totally free. You can send cash quickly, it's easy and you can send to people who don't have an account. Did I mention you can send money from your debit card for free? There's no charges.

If you choose to have a business account, you can request payments for goods and services for 2.75% per transaction. That's cheaper than other competitors whose minimum is typically 4%. I enjoy that Square Cash is literally the easiest way to send and receive money from friends and family. It's the easiest thing I've tried, and to be quite honest with you, I've tried a lot of different apps and services. All you have to do is download the app, signup (which takes less than 3 minutes), and link your debit card. BOOM! You can get the app whether you have an iPhone or an Android. One thing I will say is that while I know most of us may have an service we use already, I highly recommend CONSIDERING and TRYING this app to see if you like its ease of use. 

You can use Square Cash to shop online right from your cash account. I like this layer of protection when it comes to my banking information. I prefer never to use my debit card to complete online transactions, so having Square Cash be the payment processor makes me feel significantly more comfortable as I shop for new booties, maroon colored everything, you get the drill! This app is the only app that allows INSTANT deposits (no other app does this) and it's only for a 1% fee. Also, one thing that I find silly in some money sharing apps is the ability to share details on social media. Not to be totally blunt, but no one cares who paid for your lunch today. I like how this app is no nonsense, because ain't nobody got time.

Have you tried Square Cash before?
Square Cash, money sharing app, Square Cash app, Square Cash money sharing app, Square Cash money app, sharing money via app, money sharing app competition, how to transfer money online, online transfer, online money transfer, life advice, busy, how to stay busy, how to maintain the busy life style
Square Cash, money sharing app, Square Cash app, Square Cash money sharing app, Square Cash money app, sharing money via app, money sharing app competition, how to transfer money online, online transfer, online money transfer, life advice, busy, how to stay busy, how to maintain the busy life style

BEFORE YOU GO, there's something I wanted to tell you...

I've been nominated for FOUR categories in the Arizona Foothills Magazine Best of the Valley 2017 competition. It would be a true honor if you cast your votes (you can vote DAILY from multiple Gmail accounts!!!). I was nominated for the following:

Step 1. Sign in via Google account or Facebook account (if you have multiple Gmail accounts, you can use each one to vote multiple times!!)

Step 2: Pick my name!

Step 3: Click to vote!

This is my first debut in a competition of this nature and I would LOVE your votes, your families' votes, your friends' votes, your dogs' votes, ALL of your votes! Thank you so much!

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