Just Call me the Queen of Snacking | Adaleta Avdic

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Just Call me the Queen of Snacking

Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks

I am always so candid and honest on my blog, but I just have to say that if I don't have snacks throughout the day, I get hangry...and you won't like me when I'm hangry I can tell you that much. Usually I do not want to talk to you about anything until I've had a good snack. I can't eat potato chips and feel good. I need something tasty, something nutritious, and something that's going to hold me over for a few hours. 

Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Acorn Influence to represent Zone Perfect #ZonePerfectLittleWins. All the content and opinions expressed here are honest and all my own.

Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks

Every time I get a little hungry, I go for the leftover food in the kitchen, because frankly there's always something in there that coworkers have left for others. Whether it's crusty day old bagels, chocolate chip cookies, lemons, whatever it may be, I tend to grab it. Better something than nothing right? Luckily I no longer have "snaccidents" (so clever I know, but sadly I can't take credit for it) because I'm a fan of nutrition bars and Zone Perfect bars have me covered.

Today I wanted to share some of my #LittleWins™ with you. I don't care who you are. Every single day, there are a few wins. Let's dive into mine:

1. While drinking my coffee and devouring my chocolate mint Zone Perfect bar this morning, I did not spill coffee on my shirt. It's a cute white shirt too. Big win.

2. You know I'm pretty strict on myself and I have a lot of content I want to be creating and posting all the time. I have three photos to post on Instagram today, including one of my Zone Perfect bars. Make sure to follow me on there. Lots of hours spent curating photos and making sure they fit some kind of "theme." What does a theme even mean?

3. You know how some days your hair looks better than other days? ...well today my lipstick looks on fleek. And even after I devoured my Zone Perfect bar, my lipstick stayed intact because it's the best stuff from Bhue Beauty. I've mentioned it a few times. I'm obsessed. Lipstick staying on after I suffocate myself in food is a win. On another note, I've had about 7 food babies over the past few days. Someone take the food away from me!

4. Because it wasn't an early work day, I had the chance to spend some time early in the morning drinking my coffee, digesting my Zone Perfect bar and enjoying time with my boyfriend. I strolled into work nice and relaxed, because I had a few hours to myself.

5. I woke up feeling positive and uplifted. Remembering I am lucky to have another day should be enough. 

I want to tell you about these bars, and why I like these over the other 23653465438 bars I've tried in my life. The taste is sensational, and while the chocolate mint is my favorite of the two flavors I choose (I'm a mint chocolate ice cream hoarder) I do enjoy eating both of them. They taste like goodness and they're not too heavy or too sweet, they're just riiiight. Packaging is definitely a great addition. I enjoy the bright green coloring of the logo and just find the packaging to be well done overall. Price is also typically a big deal for me. With a box of 5 retailing for $4.31, this brings your bars to less than $1 each, which is a great cost! Typically when I purchase nutrition bars of any kind, they average $1.20 each on a minimum, so $0.86 a bar is a steal. I like crunchiness in bars of this kind, and these have the perfect amount of crunch. 

I did some walking around Walmart, and I am happy to tell you that you can find these in the pharmacy section of the store, and not the granola and snack aisle. They're easy to grab and add to your grocery list, and this is an every day type of bar. There's no reason not to incorporate one into your day to day nutrition, given the amount of goodness in each bar.

What wins have you had today? I'd love to hear yours in the comments below!

Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks
Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks
Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks
Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks

P.S. This snacking queen has to be able to put snacks in all pockets. Luckily Zone Perfect fits in my pockets, no matter how small they may be ;)
Zone Perfect, Zone Perfect bars, #littlewins, little wins, #ZonePerfectLittleWins, Zone Perfect Little Wins, nutrition, health conscious, protein, Just Call me the Queen of Snacking, queen of snacking, snack queen, snacks, nutritious snacks, snacks with nutrition, nutrition bars, high protein bars, high protein snacks, tasty snacks
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