How to Beat Negativity | Adaleta Avdic

Saturday, March 19, 2016

How to Beat Negativity

How to Beat Negativity, how to beat negative thinking, beat negative thinking, negativity, positive thinking, positivity, look for positive thoughts, be self confident, overcoming negative thinking, be happy, be positive, spread positivity

After the first round of hiking, we went for another round just a few days later. My boyfriend and I are really enjoying hiking because it's a fun way to workout and get the body moving. Throughout the walk, I started thinking about one of the main things that gets all of us down from time to time. Negativity. Whether it's your boss, your best friend, your mom or a total stranger, it's still the same concept. I wanted to share a couple of ways to beat that negativity.

Ignore the haters.  We need to be above the hate and negativity, so I'll just say that trolls and those who throw shade at us really suck but shouldn't take a minute of our time. That includes thinking about them or replying to them. Life is too short and you won't have everyone love you, it's impossible. Just make sure to brush the hate off and move about your day. You have more important things to do. 

How to Beat Negativity, how to beat negative thinking, beat negative thinking, negativity, positive thinking, positivity, look for positive thoughts, be self confident, overcoming negative thinking, be happy, be positive, spread positivity
How to Beat Negativity, how to beat negative thinking, beat negative thinking, negativity, positive thinking, positivity, look for positive thoughts, be self confident, overcoming negative thinking, be happy, be positive, spread positivityHow to Beat Negativity, how to beat negative thinking, beat negative thinking, negativity, positive thinking, positivity, look for positive thoughts, be self confident, overcoming negative thinking, be happy, be positive, spread positivity

Don't let family and friends get you down. I'll be the first admit that sometimes your friends and family do not understand a thing about what you do or what you want to do, or if they do they only understand a small fraction of it. Sometimes it's hard to hear advice from those closest to you because you've leaned on them in the past. If you think quitting your job and trying to run your own business is what you want to do, don't let anyone stop you. If this decision ends up in the gutter, you have a life lesson you've gained from it and it's not something someone else could have told you about - see where I'm going with that?

Get off your ass. Seriously, get off the couch (after you finishing reading this post of course) and do a workout. I can guide you to several that I like to do when I know I need to move my body. You don't like to workout? Yeah, me neither. Go for a walk. Go hiking. Walk your dog. Walk your neighbor's dog. Just get up and move.

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Nobody is better than you. Boom. Just like that I squashed anyone else's criticism or judgement of you because you have nothing to feel badly about because there is not a better you anywhere. Everyone is different. No one should make you feel like they're better than you and you should never make someone else feel like they're less than you. I really think it's important not to compare. We're all unique and our own people and comparison is not needed because you're always going to be comparing apples to oranges.

Be confident. If you read my long post about self confidence and self love, you know how to be a bit more self confident. You also learned how important it is to love yourself. It's important to do things that make you feel good and things that will boost your spirits. This in turn will help you be more confident but I will tell you the advice I get from my mom and my boyfriend's mom (women of great intelligence) and that is to always be confident and even if I don't feel confident, fake it. People gravitate to those who are confident. 

Position yourself for success. If you are achieving goals and eventually doing things you always wanted to, you will feel more confident and successful. You need to make some hard decisions sometimes in life that will help you move forward with your dreams and aspirations. Buy the new couch over the new Givenchy bag (hard words I know.) Stay in and study for the Bar rather than going out with your law buddies. Position yourself and make the right moves and you will be successful. It's inevitable.

Fake it, until you make it. Cliche, but true. Fake the confidence if you have to, fake your happy attitude with your horrible boss if you have to. In the long run, you will come out on top. 

Eliminate the word never from your vocabulary. Just get rid of the word. "I will never be as pretty" Correction, you are as pretty. "I will never be a millionaire" Well not with that attitude. You can be a millionaire, but you need to believe it and work towards it. Anyone can be a millionaire.

Don't make excuses. It is so incredibly easy for us to find an excuse not to work out, not to write our next blog post, not to go out for drinks with a girlfriend, not to take that vacation. Why do that though? You're the only one who is missing out when you make excuses and avoid what you really want to do.

Lastly, make sure you yourself are spreading positivity and not negativity yourself. Be kind to others, be happy and helpful and never let yourself succumb to someone else's negative thoughts or insecure feelings. Help that individual become more positive.

How to Beat Negativity, how to beat negative thinking, beat negative thinking, negativity, positive thinking, positivity, look for positive thoughts, be self confident, overcoming negative thinking, be happy, be positive, spread positivity

What are your favorite ways to beat negativity?
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