Playa del Carmen | Cancun Travel Diaries | Adaleta Avdic

Monday, January 18, 2016

Playa del Carmen | Cancun Travel Diaries

During our stay in the Cancun area, we packed our backpacks and headed to explore Playa del Carmen.


Truthfully, we went to have a pretty chill day. That's why I don't have much footage or photos from the day. We wanted to relax, eat some lunch on the beach and do some shopping. We managed to find some seats at Wah Wah Beach Bar, which was a nice experience. We ordered buckets of beer, chips and salsa and even ceviche. It was really nice sitting on the beach, enjoying the sun and chowing down on some tacos.

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After we ate, we decided to walk through the streets and do some shopping. There were so many shops, and you could honestly find anything. There were local shops and even Americanized shops. You name it, they had it. One thing to note is that Playa del Carmen was definitely the most crowded beach we visited so I wouldn't recommend going there for the beach, especially on a weekend. According to the locals, it's much calmer during the week but Playa del Carmen has definitely become a popular destination to visitors coming to the Cancun area.

We even stumbled upon some ruins, which I thought were really neat.


Have you ever been to Playa del Carmen
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