Reflecting on 2015 + Giveaway! | Adaleta Avdic

Friday, December 18, 2015

Reflecting on 2015 + Giveaway!

2015 was a year of major growth for me, in many ways.
This was the year I started getting more direct, with all people in my life both personally and professionally. I learned to take responsibility for my actions, and also defend myself when appropriate. This was the year I learned to be a better girlfriend. No one can read my mind, not even my boyfriend. This was the year I decided to put myself out there and start my YouTube channel. Over time, my channel made me more aware of my body and the way I move my hands when I'm passionate about something, and the way my lips move when I talk really fast. This was the year I faced some health issues -some TMI but most recently was the vertigo I mentioned to you. This is the year I broke my record of hours worked. It's been the toughest year of my life, but also the most rewarding.

Today, I want to reflect back on the thing that's given me the most happiness this year. You. Each and every single one of you that has left a comment on my videos or a comment on my blog. Each of you who tweets me regularly or comments on my Instagram photos. Each of you who deals with my ridiculous snaps (I drool on myself now apparently.) You are what motivates me, and you are who I want to hear from every day. I want to know what you're doing and what you think about these copious amounts of makeup throughout the year. 

Thank you so much.

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