Traveling to Newport Rhode Island (Part II) | Adaleta Avdic

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Traveling to Newport Rhode Island (Part II)


When I last left you, we had just gotten strawberry jalapeno margaritas with lunch. After lunch, we drove a bit more around the city and found ourselves at the Newport Vineyards.

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For dinner, we went to Fluke Wine Bar and had a lot of delicious food (not all pictured here.) We spent a good three hours or so chatting with our lovely client, catching up and discussing business. How bad is business when it's over a delicious meal alongside wine? Not bad at all if I say so myself.



We skip through to the next evening (after a day full of meetings) and we find ourselves at the Oceancliff Hotel in a restaurant called the Safari Room. Since it was restaurant week in Newport, most restaurants had special three course menus. The calamari was my appetizer, but judging by the size of it, it could've been my entree. It was delicious, and some of the best calamari I've had in a long time. My main entree was halibut and the dessert with a custard topped with fruit, drizzled with chocolate and caramel syrup. The dessert was the ultimate winner out of dinner so I highly recommend that devil cake, mousse concoction.

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The next day we do the same and skip through the daylong meetings and arrive at... dinner time. This time, it was just Monica and I and we got to Tallulah's on Thames early for our reservation. They seated us right away, took our coats and tucked us into our table quickly. The service was phenomenal, the food delicious, the wine tasty and the ambience was so lovely. I really enjoyed having dinner at Tallulah's and it's right in downtown so it's in the center of all the action.
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The last day of our trip, we had one more full day to explore (no meetings) so we got to exploring early. Our first stop was Empire Coffee and Tea because we needed our caffeine kick, but right after we found ourselves on the front steps of Trinity Church. Monica was really interested in seeing the inside, but unfortunately it didn't look like anyone was inside so we took lots of pictures outside and enjoyed ourselves around the outside of the property. It's really a beautiful church from the outside, and I can only imagine how beautiful it is on the inside.


We then did some serious driving. We started with the ocean because we needed to get some shots of the sea. After this, we drove the entire city from bottom to top and went around to just look at the real estate, fall colors and enjoy the sights. Once we were closer to the top of the island, we looked at Yelp to find a restaurant and a local Italian joint had handmade pasta. That sounded good to us, so we popped in, devoured some pasta and then continued our drive through the city.

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We found ourselves at the beautiful Greenvale Vineyards as our last true stop of the trip. Lucky for us, there was a really kind and generous family in there who decided to share their wine snacks with us. I'm talking cheese, crackers, olives, stuffed bell peppers and the list goes on. That's the thing I've really picked up on the east coast. People are nice. The east coast stereotype that east coasters are rude or unfriendly is so not true when it comes to Newport and Rhode Islanders.

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What a fantastic trip. I hope all of these pictures have inspired you to take a visit to the beautiful city of Newport in the lovely state of Rhode island. There's truly a lot to see and do!
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