Quit Your Job to Blog! | Adaleta Avdic

Friday, October 23, 2015

Quit Your Job to Blog!

blogging tips and tricks, blogging, how to quit your job and blog, quit your job to blog, blogging full time, make blogging your career, blogging career, full time blogger, full time bloggers, Helene in Between, blogging eCourse, blogging webinars, blogging advice, how to be a successful blogger
If you're serious about blogging, boy do I have great news for you.

One of my friends in the blogging community, Helene in Between, launched an eCourse called Quit Your Job to Blog! I'm not sharing this with you because she's a friend of mine, I'm sharing this with you because I have been waiting for this exact course for years.

I see lots of webinars being promoted to bloggers every single day. How to increase following on this network, how to get people to your blog, how to get people to share... the webinars are endless. Let's just get down to brass tax. What we all want to know is how we can make blogging our job or at the very least how can we make money and how can we get people to read our posts continually. Everything else you could advise or teach me is just a small piece of that big overarching puzzle and I cannot thank Helene enough for finally giving us the tools we need. 

This is an actual eCourse, not just a webinar, which goes hand in hand with worksheets and exercises she has created. It's interactive and to the point. She's not trying to sell you on another one of her products **which side note is one of my biggest pet peeves with webinars.** She breaks it all down and teaches you how to blog about what you want to blog about and still get traffic.  There is a deep dive into how to gain the readership and following, no matter the post. It's hard to keep people coming back for more over time - but she shares her tricks for that too. Here's a little peek at the modules:

Your Game Plan
-Establish Your Voice
-Gain Traffic
-Secrets No One Will Tell You About SEO
-Capture Leads

Your Guide to Getting Paid
-Make Money, Right NOW! + The Ultimate Guide to Making Money
-Set Your Price
-Viral Posts : A Case Study (+My Secret Weapon!)

Your Path to Success
-Social Media Tips
-Go Full Time - Are you Ready?
-Your Blog Business Plan
-New Lecture

-Checklists and Cheat Sheets
-Swipe Copy (Steal my tools!)
-Private Community
-BONUS: Pep Talk- Blogging Without a Niche
-*Quit Your Job to Blog Affiliate Program!*

While I am not planning on quitting my daytime job, I am looking to get even more serious about blogging in order to have a steady second income. After completing the first few modules of the course, I honestly have to say that she has kicked ass through this and made this eCourse absolutely perfect. The last thing I'll mention is that she is one of the hardest working people I know, and she didn't get successful by chance. She worked her ass off, and that is another reason I really enjoyed this course. This isn't wishy-washy bullshit, it's straight truth about how she got to where she is today. There was no luck, it wasn't like she woke up one day and had thousands of followers reading her content. She worked for her success and this eCourse will show you how you can do the exact same for your blog.

If you're interested, make sure to register here.

blogging tips and tricks, blogging, how to quit your job and blog, quit your job to blog, blogging full time, make blogging your career, blogging career, full time blogger, full time bloggers, Helene in Between, blogging eCourse, blogging webinars, blogging advice, how to be a successful blogger
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**The second image in this post was kindly provided to me by Helene from Helene in Between for use in this blog post. This post is not sponsored, but affiliate links are displayed.

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