GLAMbox is THE Makeup Organizer | Adaleta Avdic

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

GLAMbox is THE Makeup Organizer

Glamboxes, organization, makeup organizer, makeup organization, Glambox, fashion organizer, jewelry organizer, makeup organizers, beauty, makeup, the best makeup organizer, makeup storage, how to store your makeup
I am quite an organized person so my makeup has always been tidy in some fashion.
Glamboxes, organization, makeup organizer, makeup organization, Glambox, fashion organizer, jewelry organizer, makeup organizers, beauty, makeup, the best makeup organizer, makeup storage, how to store your makeup, GLAMluxe Makeup Box

Several months ago, I was scrolling through Instagram (as I do on a daily basis) and I came across an account called Glamboxes. I was quite interested being the organized person I am so I visited their site and looked through the products. The price of the makeup box made my head hurt. How could a box that stores makeup cost so much? It was almost a deterrent until I started seeing images of the organization. Lucky for you I got to speak to the creator and owner of Glamboxes. She is a lovely lady who took the time to chat with me over the phone and answer all of my questions so I can share the info with all of you. Down below, I am A and Jessica (owner and founder of Glamboxes) is J.

A: How did you come up with the idea of Glamboxes? 
J: Several years ago, one of my girlfriends came into my bedroom and asked me what my makeup was organized in because she saw the random box I had put together to store all of my beauty products. She was very interested and said it's definitely something I could sell to others. I thought she was crazy and just shrugged it off. Unfortunately a couple of years later, I got very sick and couldn't work for an extended period of time. My husband and I talked over a few things and he reminded me of that makeup organizer from a few years back and said "Why don't you try to make those and sell them?" I didn't think it would be anything- a hobby, a side project maybe- something to do until I was better and could get back to the corporate world. After making a few, business picked up and the rest is history.

A: Where did most of your growth and sales come from?
J: Much of my growth can be attributed to Instagram. I had so many people requesting information and wanting Glambox information and many of those were coming directly from Instagram. I am so thankful because this was the social network that really helped take my business off the ground and it helped created a lot of sales early on.

A: Why are the Glamboxes on the pricier side?
J: I actually try to keep the cost low and as minimal as possible, but the cost to make each one is quite expensive. Each box is handcrafted and custom made for every customer and the material, labor and shipping all attribute to the overall cost. We do our best to keep the cost down for our consumers.

A: Why do consumers need a Glambox? Can't we just buy an organizer from the Container Store or Walmart and call it a day?
J: Consumers can buy an organizer from anywhere, but it's nowhere near the quality of the handcrafted custom boxes we create. This is a long-lasting, good quality product that will last you a lifetime as long as you take care of the box. People definitely need a makeup organizer (and particularly one that is see-through) because "if you don't see it, you'll never use it."
A: Out of sight, out of mind is the perfect phrase as I used to find makeup I didn't remember buying on random occasions when I was cleaning out my makeup. Now I can see everything and make sure to use it all. It's amazing knowing what makeup is in my collection!

A: Do you have any advice for bloggers and shops regarding how to gain a strong Instagram following?
J: Sadly, I don't have specific advice because my growth was organic and evolved over time. I know that I was on Instagram before a lot of other businesses and bloggers were and I believe that's gained the trust of my following because I've been active for longer. The advice I would give it to be consistent and keep pushing forward.

Although we were on the phone for just under an hour, we got to know each other quite a bit. She went to the University of Arizona so she knows all about Tucson which is fantastic. A special thank you to Jessica for taking time out of her busy and hectic schedule to speak with me (on a Saturday too!) She is a great role model and such an inspiration to all of us. Just as a quick side note, they do sell fashion-related boxes as well- it's not all about makeup! Make sure to visit their website!
Glamboxes, organization, makeup organizer, makeup organization, Glambox, fashion organizer, jewelry organizer, makeup organizers, beauty, makeup, the best makeup organizer, makeup storage, how to store your makeup, GLAMluxe Makeup Box

Glamboxes, organization, makeup organizer, makeup organization, Glambox, fashion organizer, jewelry organizer, makeup organizers, beauty, makeup, the best makeup organizer, makeup storage, how to store your makeup, GLAMluxe Makeup Box

Now that you've read all about Jessica and how Glamboxes started, what are your thoughts? Do you have questions for me regarding my Glambox? What do you use to organize your makeup?
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