Weakness is our Greatest Strength | Adaleta Avdic

Monday, December 5, 2016

Weakness is our Greatest Strength

In this photo, I am wearing the same outfit but I've added a black cardigan, black scarf and a light blue clutch.
This is a close-up of my white sweater, with caramel jeans and black velvet ankle boots in the desert.

Have you ever thought about what your weaknesses are? Typically others tell us it's a weakness, or society makes us believe it is a weakness, but realistically "weaknesses" are actually our biggest strengths. 

This is a desert shot of me in my white sweater, caramel jeans and black velvet ankle boots.
This is a photo of me with my head turned to the left, rocking my J. McLaughling outfit with a white sweater, caramel jeans and black velvet ankle boots in the desert.

I think it's such an interesting concept that our weaknesses, are actually our biggest strengths. Last Friday, I partook in my company's retreat where our guest speaker was David Rendall, author of The Freak Factor: Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting Weakness. Not only was his presentation hilarious, it was so eye-opening, because it is certainly true that people tell us certain characteristics about each of us is good or bad. If you read last week's post about not judging a book by its cover, this is an extension of that idea and an addition in regards to embracing weakness. 

Being inflexible has a negative connotation. However inflexible and structured can mean similiar things, and structured has a more positive connotation. It's essentially which adjective is used that develops an individual's context around that particular characteristic. 

For me, I think my weakness can be described in a positive light, as passionate. I am extremely passionate about a lot of things, but with that comes different adjectives like aggressive, stressed, uptight...the list goes on and on. The idea of the weakness being your strength is accurate for me, and for all of us. We just need to change our perspective to see it as such. Think of one weakness people remind you about constantly. Now think how that "weakness" is actually a strength. It's so easy, just takes a switch in thinking.

I feel like a whole new person, with this perspective in mind. What about you?

This outfit was gifted to me from J. McLaughlin, but this post is not sponsored. All opinions are always honest, and always my own.

This cardigan is so comfy, and keeps me warm. I think it's very classy, and dresses up any outfit. When I put this beacon sweater on for the first time, I was so happy because it's not itchy and feels so nice against my skin. You already know I'm a big fan of cute scarves, and this one is no exception. The Lexi jeans make my legs look awesome, and they're in this beautiful khaki shade which is perfect for fall and winter! Even though I don't use clutches every single day, I think they're the perfect touch for special occasions. This blue one is marvelous, and will be perfect in winter as well as spring and summer! My velvet black ankle boots came from Missguided, but these and these are very similiar. Lastly, my watch really helps to tie the look together with a nice touch of gold. This one is very similiar.

I'd love to know what is your biggest weakness, and let's flaunt it as a strength together. I told you mine!

This is a close-up of the accessories and outfit details I'm wearing, with the desert in the background.
This is a close-up of my black velvet ankle boots, with the caramel jeans, and the desert in the background.
This is another close-up of the outfit details, with all the accessories.
In this shot, I am pulling my hair back and the scarf is prominently displayed in the photo. It's black and red, with a little plaid pattern on one side.
This is a close-up of my black velvet ankle boots, with the desert in the background.

Shop the post

For all my Arizonians, there is a brand new store in Scottsdale. If you're in the area, make sure to check it out.
This is a graphic from J. McLaughling specific to their new Scottsdale store.
15220 North Scottsdale Road, Suite #160
Scottsdale, AZ 85254

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