Spending a Few Days in the Capital | Adaleta Avdic

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Spending a Few Days in the Capital

Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC

Upon arrival at The Henley Park Hotel, I decided to go downstairs to the Blue Bar lounge as it was a nice hangout for a couple of hours, as I filtered through emails. I got a lot of exciting news so I was overly cheerful. The bartender and I even discussed blogging (he was thinking of starting his own) and I did my best to convince him because I definitely think there's a need for male fashion bloggers. I ordered a martini and it was a nice change of pace to the red wine and beer I would typically choose. For dinner, I ordered the homemade chili which was delicious.

Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC
Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC

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Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC

For lunch on Tuesday, we went to a restaurant called Shop House. The best way to describe this restaurant is that it's Chipotle inspired by Southeast Asia. I decided to go crazy and get chilled noodles, which would typically never be my style because I'm not a big fan of cold things that "should" be hot. I'm quite a picky eater if you get to know me. Regardless of my pickiness, I absolutely loved this spot and their sriracha wall was cool. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll notice that you've seen a lot of these photos already. Lucky you ;)

Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DCWashington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC
Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC

Most of the time when I travel, I spend a good number of hours in a conference room in the midst of meetings. One of the best things about travel is the food, let's be real. Tuesday evening Del Frisco's was for dinner and I can't say I would ever turn down a steak. This chain wasn't familiar to me, but this is a top notch steakhouse chain on the east coast. I decided to get my steak topped with blue cheese crumble. We ordered sides for the table, which were all scrumptious. We ended the meal with the best dessert. Butter cake. As I sit here post wisdom teeth surgery, I am literally drooling seeing all of this food that I cannot wait to get back into.

Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DCWashington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC
Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC


Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC

On Wednesday, we walked to another local spot. This time we had Nando's, which is known for its chicken. Definitely delicious and I was stuffed because I didn't realize I ordered a large size. I made a pretty big dent in it so I wasn't mad about ordering this size.

On the flight from DC to Dallas, I was quite anxious. I had only fifty (50) minutes for my layover and we were delayed leaving Dulles. During the flight, I watched the sun set for almost thirty minutes as we flew from east to west coast. It was so beautiful and I was able to capture this shot. Even though I was anxious and stressed about missing my connection, it was eye-opening to see this beauty and realize that the world is a big place and it's so much bigger than me and my anxiety. The world is beautiful and this sunset was just breath-taking from so many aspects. It helped me put my silly situation into perspective. 

 Once we landed, we were late getting into the gate in Dallas because the plane had to be towed in due to the angle of the gate. Then I sprinted to get on the shuttle because I wasn't in the same terminal (why would I be right?) As we made the first stop, we were told we had to get off the shuttle because it needed maintenance. Perfect timing. Well a couple minutes later, another one came by and I was on my way, with a few other people who were panicking because their flights were late to Dallas and they were in the same predicament as me. After four stops, the doors finally open and I sprint to my gate. The plane is still there and miraculously I jump in and they literally closed the door after I got on. There was some type of maintenance happening that kept the doors open an extra five (5) minutes which helped me get on the plane. If anything had delayed me or if I hadn't sprinted how I did, I wouldn't have made it on the plane.

Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC
Washington, Washington D.C., D.C., capital, US capital, Destination DC, DC Cool, where to eat in D.C., visiting D.C., things to do in DC, DC tourism, what to see in DC

While this wasn't my first time to D.C., I enjoyed the food and seeing my client. I love working with all the destinations I do because it's such a treat to travel to amazing cities and socialize with the amazing people I work with day in and day out. 

Have you ever been to Washington, D.C.?
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