10 Reasons To Follow Me On Snapchat | Adaleta Avdic

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

10 Reasons To Follow Me On Snapchat

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What's surprised me about Snapchat is the comeback it's made. I remember Snapchat being the thing back in 2009 and 2010. Late college dance nights snapped often with girlfriends, jokes pulled on friends and the sheer ability to draw on one's own face. Then it fell to the wayside and no one was snapping or using it much. Two years ago, it was revamped and is now back in full blast. Celebrities, influencers, political figures, your grandma, you name it and they are on Snapchat. Being a blogger, there's even campaigns with snaps now and funding provided for bloggers to snap about products. I thought I'd shed some light on a few reasons you should follow me on this social network. This post was inspired by Anna's post here, so thought I'd do this one too because I have been obsessed with watching snaps and snapping lots of things myself! 
snapchat, follow on snapchat, best snapchat accounts, 10 reasons to follow me on snapchat, 10 reasons to follow along on snapchat, why to follow on snapchat, snapchat basic, snapchat 101, what I do on snapchat

1. Lots of travel snaps. I'm lucky that I get to travel quite a bit throughout the year, and I have international service which comes in hand when I go to sweet places like Cancun, Oslo or upcoming Reykjavik (Iceland!) This includes beautiful plane sunsets at 500+ miles an hour.
2. The "real" me. I realize how cliche this sounds, but it's hard to catch someone's personality in a video, let along a blog post. That's why I feel like snaps make this possible. A lot o the time, I just shoot off the hip and say whatever comes to mind. I am not made up with makeup like I may appear on Insta, it is truly raw content...unless I use filters like this which make me look like I'm at Coachella.

snapchat, follow on snapchat, best snapchat accounts, 10 reasons to follow me on snapchat, 10 reasons to follow along on snapchat, why to follow on snapchat, snapchat basic, snapchat 101, what I do on snapchat

3. Rants. I have to admit I rant quite a bit. Slow drivers in Tucson. The hot ass weather (it's in the 90s now.) People taking my covered parking spot at work. You know, the usual.

4. I'm funny. Most of the people watching my snaps have told me I'm funny. Just yesterday I snagged about how I found a second pair of underwear in my pants. You know how clothes get wrapped into each other when you do laundry. Well I walked around all day not realizing it and then when I went to pee later in the day a second pair of underwear flew out. I was thinking "how the hell did my underwear come off during the day? That's never happened before." Until I realized it was a sneaky pair that got intertwined. Funny shit, am I right? I'll admit I laugh at my own snaps sometimes. 

5. Drinks, drank, drunk. When I go out, or decide to get creative with cocktails at home, I make some delicious dranks. Sometimes I even share the exact ingredients *licking lips* I think I'll actually go make a cocktail right now...

6. Makeup swatches. A crap ton of makeup. Makeup for days. Just a lot of makeup.

snapchat, follow on snapchat, best snapchat accounts, 10 reasons to follow me on snapchat, 10 reasons to follow along on snapchat, why to follow on snapchat, snapchat basic, snapchat 101, what I do on snapchat

7. Behind the scenes. There's a lot of behind the scenes with lighting, and I show you my photos with the not so nice lighting, before it goes live on Insta. For example, with all of these Urban Decay lipsticks (launching early June) I swatched them on Snapchat first and let you know my first impressions. I play with makeup with you first!

snapchat, follow on snapchat, best snapchat accounts, 10 reasons to follow me on snapchat, 10 reasons to follow along on snapchat, why to follow on snapchat, snapchat basic, snapchat 101, what I do on snapchat

8. I do a lot of singing and dancing. It's true. Parked in the car. Outside in the sun. I just break out in song and dance occasionally. I also become a rapper on Snapchat. It's thrilling.

9. Product reviews. I try a lot of products as you can imagine. Some don't make it to my blog (it's not possible for me to review five products a day) but I give you the bad reviews, the semi-good and the things you can't go on without.

10. Personal. I tell you a lot of personal details and embarrassing stories. I want to start a snapchat series called "Real Talk" where I talk about abuse (emotional, physical), depression, anxiety, etc. Real shit that a lot of us have to deal with on a day to day basis. 

Snappers Whose Stories I Love
*Kallie from But First Coffee kallie_e88
* Victoria from In the Frow inthefrow
*Carin from Paris in Four Months carin-olsson
*Lydia from Lydia Elise Millen lydiaemillen
*Sona from Simply Sona simply_sona
*Cheryl from Oh To Be a Muse ohtobeamuse
*Anna from Vivianna Does Makeup viviannamakeup
snapchat, follow on snapchat, best snapchat accounts, 10 reasons to follow me on snapchat, 10 reasons to follow along on snapchat, why to follow on snapchat, snapchat basic, snapchat 101, what I do on snapchat

If you follow me on Insta, you saw this post recently where I explained why now is the best time to come along for the ride. I am in LA at the moment, and next week I'm going to Iceland! 
So...what are you waiting for? Download Snapchat and give me a follow!

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