Lush Cosmetics Haul | Adaleta Avdic

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lush Cosmetics Haul

There are few things in life better than treating yourself to a bath using a Lush bath bomb.

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Luckily on a recent trip to Lush to find the Million Dollar Moisturizer (only sold in UK), I got a bit carried away by the new Valentine's Day range. I mean, how could I not? These are just the cutest. 

When I saw the Unicorn Horn, I knew I was going to be going crazy. I can only imagine what awesome colors this is going to turn the bath...and I can hardly wait.
I've been using an anti-bacterial hand soap lately and it's drying the crap out of my hands, so when the sales associate recommended this hand soap I was all about it. Yes please something to get my crocodile ass hands back! Roses All the Way is just so incredibly beautiful. It's moisturizing and smells like fresh roses. I've noticed my hands responding almost immediately to the rose oil and I'm all about that. Not really sure what else anyone could ask for in a hand soap.

I have to admit this seasonal Kiss Lip Scrub is the bombest of the bombs when it comes to products I've tried. Not only does it scrub the lips and exfoliate that nasty dry skin off, but it's edible. You heard me right. EDIBLE. Even better than that is that it's delicious. I just need to give Lush a round of applause for this one. Bravo!

The most beautiful bath bomb by far is Tisty Tosty. What a beautiful creation with fresh roses compiled into a bath bomb. Such a treat! This one is perfect for my dry skin (and yours too for that matter!)

My absolute favorite (permanent) bath bomb in the collection is Twilight. I've been buying it for years because the scent is just so intoxicating to me. It changes the bath tub so many different colors and makes the experience even more fun. This bath bomb has such  an amazing way of making me feel so cozy and I know the smell of lavender gets me every time. There's just something so soothing and lovely about lavender. 

The most expensive item in this haul is this Gorgeous Moisturizer, which literally costs an arm and a leg. I am the type of person to spend beaucoup money on my skincare and I had my sights set for a nice face moisturizer to mix it up on my face. This smells so luxurious and fresh, I just want to slather copious amounts on my face. I resist, but it's just so illuminating and has been nourishing my skin like no other moisturizer. It's beautiful under makeup or just as a nice cream. I am a big fan.

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What have you tried from Lush? What Lush product do I absolutely need in my life?
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P.S. My lovely friend Eric, just relaunched her blog with a sweet new design, and we decided to do a sweet ass giveaway. Enter below!

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