Comedy Corner: Julio A. Gonzalez
This is a new theme for me and I'm not sure you knew this about me, but I love comedy.
I love comedians. I love good jokes. I just love the tenacity that comedians have when they're
making fun of us all. I love a good, hard laugh every once in a while. Can you blame me?
This time, I want to feature and introduce you to one of my favorite comedians. I've
known him for years and I've seen him perform several times in Los Angeles. His name
is Julio A. Gonzalez and he is absolutely hilarious! I remember all of the comedy shows
that I've ever gone to, and even to this day, I recall his shows being the best of them.
He is a true stand-up guy (as it relates to life and comedy) and I highly recommend you
checking him out if you're in the Los Angeles area. He travels out of state for shows from
time to time; when those shows comes up, I'll be sure to let you know! Here's just a little
snippet of the incredible jokes he has...
Upcoming Shows:
Will you be attending his Brea show in September? Which comedian is your favorite?
I will be there. Julio is a great comedian I try to get to as many shows as possible