Girls' Weekend in San Diego! Part Two | Adaleta Avdic

Monday, April 14, 2014

Girls' Weekend in San Diego! Part Two

After our first night, we were feeling preeety groggy so it took us a few hours to get our butts out of bed, dolled up, and ready to explore. Our goal: find Belmont Park and ride that coaster!

First and foremost, we needed fuel. Luckily we had World Famous right downstairs so we headed there for the second time in a twelve hour timespan. 

And my Bloody Mary theme continues...

We were lucky to get a strand side table which allowed us to people-watch and see the volleyball players working hard in the sand.

Nothing crazy to report with breakfast: your standard eggs, potatoes, and toast. After we paid our bill, we prepped for a long walk along the strand. It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day. 

We walked through most of the beach shops in Mission Beach. I don't think we found too much, except for frozen yogurt. Yum!

Since the main goal was to find that carnival to ride the roller coaster, we slowly eased our way closer and closer. F stood in line with us even though she was not getting on that rickety thing. I don't blame her. When I heard all the screams and then the unsteadiness of the coaster, I was concerned for my life. But hey, life is about taking risks right? I don't think that phrase was created in reference to roller coasters, but you never know.

Aren't my fweeends cute??

Here is us, brave coaster riders that we are, just awaiting this little adventure!

Shizz got cray in the last row...can you tell?
I love you guys but I had to post this one! ^^

After the roller coaster we ended up at The Wave House. We started off with a drink each and just chatting amongst ourselves when a large group randomly invited us to become a part of theirs. It was quite fun because they'd had a little bit to drink.

And then we took pictures...

This is probably my favorite picture from the entire trip. Cute outfits, happy smiles, and the ocean in the background. Life does not get any better.

After a few hours of socializing we walked our way back to the hotel where we hung out for just a few minutes (to freshen up) before going back to LaHaina. Second day in a row yes, but even more packed on a Saturday then a Friday.     . 

We ran into some of F's friends and it all started to get suppaaa fun. Can you tell? 

As the evening went on and the night began, we had a great time and most of us put our phones and cameras away. Dancing through several bars and clubs, we did manage to snag a great photo. The best picture caption anyone could ever come up (thanks to S for this one) "we're the four best friends that anyone could have #mandown" and as you can see, H is missing. 

Sidenote: I did get a bit sunburned ^^

All in all, a great catch up weekend where we all got reacquainted with one another. One where I proved myself right when I said that motorcyclists cannot ride between car lanes in Arizona as they are permitted to do in California. Definitely a win if I may say so myself. 

The morning before we needed to drive back to real life, we made our way to Miller's Field for brunch.

Ahh, this view though. 
One could get used to that view and this...

 And the theme subsides after this Bloody. Sad right?

Until next time San Diego. We will be back sooner or later to get some more tans, eat more fooood, and drink more Bloodys! 


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